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UCSBPLS Law Journal Requirements


If you are interested in being a writer, responsibilities include writing a 15-20 page article regarding a topic related to law. Your topic can be a legal topic question you would like to answer in your point of view, a comparative analysis of different ideas or different points of view regarding a specific topic, a general analysis of a specific legal matter, and so on! Ideas will be approved by the board and editors.


As a writer, you will be required to meet with your editor (via Zoom or in-person) and discuss progress and recommendations for your article regularly before the publication deadline in late May. You will submit rough drafts to your editors for suggested edits/improvements prior to these meetings.


If this interests you, we strongly encourage you to apply, you will be required to submit a 250-300 word abstract of your idea. Please note articles must be related to law and FACTUAL. If you have an opinion, back it up with facts!


If you are interested in an editing position, you will be required to review, edit, and help several writers with their articles. You will be required to meet with your writers regularly before the publication deadline in late May to discuss improvements, ideas, and be of general assistance to the writers. 

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