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Meet The Executive Board 2021-2022


Gabriella Sterritt

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"My goal in creating UCSB Pre-Law Society is to foster an environment where fellow students can come together to share their passion for law"


Marketing & Public Relations
Lauren Ebrahimian

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"I want to help narrow the gap between students and professionals in the legal realm by providing essential resources to our members and by assisting in the connection-making process. We can make the jump to the professional world more efficient and enjoyable."


Public Relations Coordinator 
Anna Lucostic

  • LinkedIn

"I joined the UCSB Pre-Law Society with hopes of finding a network of other like-minded individuals with similar goals of attending law school after undergrad. The support of this group has been overwhelmingly positive and the resources offered have made me feel even more confident about my decision to pursue a career in law!"


Vice President

Dan Chu

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"The vision for UCSB Pre-Law Society was to create an organization that would greatly enhance the pre-law culture here at UCSB"


Social Media Coordinator 
Sanaya Shah 

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"Through joining the Pre-Law Society, I hope to convey valuable resources and opportunities available to those interested in a career in law. Additionally, I hope to meet like-minded, driven, and hard-working individuals who want to make a change in this world by pursuing law."


Managing Editor
UCSB Undergraduate Law Journal

Eli Sclar

"I joined the Pre-Law society to meet like-minded people who share the goal of attending law school one day. As lead editor of the first publication of the Undergraduate Law Journal, I hope to cultivate an atmosphere where students can share their varied and unique thoughts while also gaining valuable legal writing experience."


Outreach Coordinator
Alyssa Rodriguez

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"I hope to inspire other young students to realize their potential in the legal field and recognize the change they can bring about. I strive to educate and empower other pre-law students while building a safe space for supportive life-long friendships to grow"

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Aubrey Schipper

  • LinkedIn

"I look forward to being apart of the Pre Law Society and meeting driven people who are interested in a future in law to better the world. I hope this organization provides a positive impact on potential law futures, propelling everyone forward."


Alisha Nguyen

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"Joining UCSB Pre-Law Society has allowed me to network with like-minded individuals who also intend to pursue careers in law. Needless to say, the path to law school is tough. As Secretary of this organization, I hope to foster a place of encouragement and support for all members. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time!"


Managing Editor
UCSB Undergraduate Law Journal

Shruthi Vasudevan

  • LinkedIn

"I joined the Pre-Law society to amplify the legal research and accomplishments of UCSB students, and to be a part of a community that shares opportunities, resources, and advice in a traditionally competitive field. I think it is so important to have that collaborative culture to provide each other with the resources to succeed in law school and beyond." 

Meet The Executive Board 2020-2021


Gabriella Sterritt

  • LinkedIn

"My goal in creating UCSB Pre-Law Society is to foster an environment where fellow students can come together to share their passion for law"


Vice President

Dan Chu

  • LinkedIn

"The vision for UCSB Pre-Law Society was to create an organization that would greatly enhance the pre-law culture here at UCSB"

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Outreach Coordinator
Raymond Vasquez

  • LinkedIn

"This organization is new but we’re meeting an old demand for legal support at UCSB. My role is to contribute to a space of diverse passionate students interested in law."

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Aubrey Schipper

  • LinkedIn

"I look forward to being apart of the Pre Law Society and meeting driven people who are interested in a future in law to better the world. I hope this organization provides a positive impact on potential law futures, propelling everyone forward."

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Events Officer
Amanda Costley

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"My vision as Events Officer in the UCSB Pre-Law Society is to create events that will inspire and educate students along their pre-law path."


Marketing & Public Relations
Lauren Ebrahimian

  • LinkedIn

"I want to help narrow the gap between students and professionals in the legal realm by providing essential resources to our members and by assisting in the connection-making process. We can make the jump to the professional world more efficient and enjoyable."


Social Media Coordinator 

Sanaya Shah 

  • LinkedIn

"Through joining the Pre-Law Society, I hope to meet like-minded, driven, and hard-working people who want to make a change in this world by pursuing law."

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