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Meet The Executive Board 2022-2023


Dan Chu

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"The vision for UCSB Pre-Law Society was to create an organization that would greatly enhance the pre-law culture here at UCSB"


Vice President
Sanaya Shah

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"I hope to foster a stronger pre-law culture here at UCSB by sharing valuable resources and opportunities available to those interested in a pursuing a career in law. Additionally, I hope to meet like-minded, driven, and hard-working individuals who want to make a change in this world by pursuing law."

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Alicia Petersen

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"My hopes for UCSB Pre-Law Society is to not only bring students who are interested in law together, but also create a meaningful and long lasting community that they can be apart of. I hope that this community is able to not only bring networking opportunities, but also worthwhile relationships. I am excited to be able to be apart of this community, and cannot wait to see what this school year brings!"

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Marketing Coordinator
Romy Reuveni

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"My vision for Pre-Law Society is to make this campus-wide organization known and heard. I want people to be aware of all the amazing opportunities provided by the society and to expand beyond the proximities we know by doing lots of in-person events and hearing and receiving on-hand experiences by professionals in the field."


Projects Chair
People's Justice Project 
Elyssa Eloxochitl

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"I hope to inspire other young students to realize their potential in the legal field and recognize the change they can bring about. I strive to educate and empower other pre-law students while building a safe space for supportive life-long friendships to grow"

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Chief Editor
UCSB Undergraduate Law Journal

Shruthi Vasudevan

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"I joined the Pre-Law society to amplify the legal research and accomplishments of UCSB students, and to be a part of a community that shares opportunities, resources, and advice in a traditionally competitive field. I think it is so important to have that collaborative culture to provide each other with the resources to succeed in law school and beyond." 

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Anisha Raju

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"By joining this organization I hope to have a larger and more impactful role in the UCSB Pre-Law community. I also look forward to working with other passionate and like-minded students."

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Public Relations Officer 
Devika Dixit

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"My vision for the pre-law society is to work towards making the society, and law in general, much more accessible and diverse, particularly for those who have historically been left out of the field. I hope to be a part of a dedicated and passionate community, who will work together, not against one another, in order to further ourselves and each other professionally, academically and personally. All in all, just making a inclusive community of those ready to support each other on this journey!"


Outreach Coordinator
Sayora Shukurova

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"My vision for the Pre-Law society is to cultivate a supportive environment of like-minded individuals that will become a strong network of future lawyers. I hope to also help members in the start of their legal careers by connecting the Pre-Law community with unique opportunities in the legal field."

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